Acquiring Images from a Scanner or Camera


Smart Pix Manager supports the acquisition of images from USB and Twain compliant scanners and digital cameras.  To open the Acquire Dialog box click Edit>Acquire from Scanner/Camera.


The process of acquiring images is as follows:


1.  Specify the source


Your camera or scanner is most likely to be Twain or USB compliant (these specify the way they connect to the computer).  Newer cameras are USB compliant and appear like a new hard-drive when you connect them.  Older devices and most scanners are generally Twain compliant. Smart Pix Manager will display a list of all the items that it could detect connected to your computer. If your camera is not shown ensure it is connected properly and turned on. If that fails you can use the browse function to locate the device manually.



2.  Specify the destination folder


Specify a folder to which Smart Pix Manager should save the acquired images and, optionally, whether a new dated folder should be automatically created in the specified folder



3.  Specify the filename


Optionally you can choose for Smart Pix Manager to assign new names to the acquired images.  They will be given a numbered filename based on the base name that you specify



4.  Other options

If you set this option the newly created image will be automatically inserted into the database after a successful acquisition.


If you are acquiring from a twain device you will need to specify the save format.  The two recommended formats are:

If this option is specified the images will be moved from the camera to your computer rather than copied.




Note: On Windows XP Smart Pix Manager will be offered as an acquisition option when you connect a camera or memory card to your computer.  You can also add this functionality on other windows version by downloading the camera detection plug-in from:








